Thomas Wernink elected Citycon's new Chairman of the Board of Directors

Mr Thomas Wernink was elected Chairman and Mr Tuomo Lähdesmäki Deputy Chairman of
Citycon's Board of Directors in the Board meeting held after the Annual General
Meeting that took place earlier today.

The following Board members were elected to the Board of Directors' committees:

Audit Committee
Raimo Korpinen (Chairman)
Gideon Bolotowsky
Thomas Wernink

Compensation Committee
Tuomo Lähdesmäki (Chairman)
Gideon Bolotowsky
Thomas Wernink

Investment Committee
Thomas Wernink (Chairman)
Amir Gal
Carl G. Nordman
Dor J. Segal

Nomination Committee
Tuomo Lähdesmäki (Chairman)
Amir Gal
Claes Ottosson
Thomas Wernink

The independence of members of the Board of Directors

In the Board of Directors' opinion, all Board members are independent of the
company, including Thomas Wernink, whose Consultancy Agreement with the company
has been terminated as of to date. Furthermore, the Board of Directors holds the
view that Gideon Bolotowsky, Raimo Korpinen, Tuomo Lähdesmäki, Carl G. Nordman
and Thomas Wernink are independent of significant shareholders.

Helsinki, 14 March 2006

Board of Directors

For further information, please contact:
Petri Olkinuora, CEO, tel. +358 9 6803 6738 or
mobile +358 400 333 256

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