Share subscription period for exercising A options under Citycon's
stock option plan 2004 will expire on 31 March 2009. 2004 A options
can be exercised for share subscription in accordance with the
following timetable in 2009:

Subscription Increase in the number of shares Shares entered on the
deadline registered on or about book-entry accounts on
or about
9 March 2009 20 March 2009 23 March 2009
31 March 2009 27 April 2009 28 April 2009

Shareholder entitlements related to subscribed shares become
effective once such shares have been entered in the Trade Register.
Shares subscribed by 9 March 2009 entitle their holders to a dividend
and return of equity from invested unrestricted equity fund for the
year 2008 provided that the shares will have been entered in the
Trade Register on 20 March 2009 and that the AGM of 18 March 2009
will have approved the Board of Directors' proposal for the dividend
payment and equity return.

The current share subscription price of 2004 A options is EUR 2.2732.
The share subscription price shall be decreased by half of the
decided per-share dividends and equity returns on the record date for
dividend payment and equity return. In 2009, such record date is 23
March 2009, which means that the share subscription price of A
options can still decrease before the end of the share subscription
period on 31 March 2009.

The maximum number of shares that can be further subscribed for
exercising A option rights under the 2004 stock option plan amounts
to 842,736 new shares.

Instructions for the share subscription are available on the
company's website at

Helsinki, 24 February 2009

Petri Olkinuora

For further information, please contact:
Outi Raekivi, Head of Legal Affairs
Tel. +358 20 766 4453 or mobile +358 50 303 9393

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