Citycon's Board of Directors' Nomination Committee proposes to the Annual
General Meeting to be held on 13 March 2007 that the number of the Board
members remain at the current eight and that Mr Gideon Bolotowsky, Mr Amir Gal,
Mr Raimo Korpinen, Mr Tuomo Lähdesmäki, Mr Carl G. Nordman, Mr Claes Ottosson,
Mr Dor J. Segal and Mr Thomas W. Wernink be re-elected to the Board until the
end of the next Annual General Meeting. The said persons have given their
consent to the election.

The Nomination Committee further proposes that the Chairman of the Board of
Directors be paid an annual fee of EUR 150,000, the Deputy Chairman EUR 60,000
and ordinary members of the Board EUR 35,000. In addition, it is proposed that
the Chairman of the Board and the Chairmen of the Board's committees be paid a
meeting fee of EUR 600 and the other Board and committee members EUR 400 per

Helsinki, 19 February 2007

Petri Olkinuora

For further information, please contact:
Petri Olkinuora, CEO, tel. +358 9 6803 6738 or
mobile +358 400 333 256

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