Citycon Oyj’s Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) took place in Helsinki, Finland, today. The EGM elected Mr. Yuval Yanai to the Board of Directors for a term that will continue until the closing of the next Annual General Meeting. The new member of the Board of Directors shall be paid remuneration in accordance with the resolution of the company’s Annual General Meeting held on 21 March 2012 and in proportion to the remaining term of the current Board of Directors as of the date of appointment of the new member.


 Mr. Yuval Yanai (born in 1952), is Chief Financial Officer of Given Imaging Ltd. He is an Israeli citizen and holds a university degree in economics and accounting. Mr. Yanai’s personal details are available on the corporate website at


 According to the evaluation by the Board of Directors Mr. Yuval Yanai is independent of the company and of the significant shareholders.


 Citycon’s Board of Directors decided to elect Mr. Yuval Yanai as a member of the Board of Directors' Audit Committee as well as of the Remuneration Committee. At same time the Board of Directors decided that Mr. Roger Kempe, member of the Board of Directors, leaves his membership in the Board of Directors’ Remuneration Committee and is elected as a member of the Board of Directors’ Strategy and Investment Committee. The other compositions of Board of Directors’ Committees remain as before.


 Minutes of the general meeting will be available on the corporate website at on 25 October 2012 at the latest.


 Helsinki, 11 October 2012



 Marcel Kokkeel




 For further information, please contact:

 Marcel Kokkeel, CEO

 Tel. +358 20 766 4521 or +358 40 154 6760


 Eero Sihvonen, Executive VP and CFO

 Tel +358 20 766 4459 or +358 50 557 9137




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