CITYCON OYJ Stock exchange release 1 February 2006 at 0.40 p.m.

Citycon acquires Tullintori Shopping Centre in Tampere

Citycon Oyj has purchased Tullintori Shopping Centre in the Tampere city centre
from Suomen Osuuskauppojen Keskuskunta. The acquisition comprises 57.4% of the
shares in the real estate company Kiinteistö Oy Tullintori. The total debt-free
purchase price of the shares is EUR 8.7 million. Citycon is confident that there
is plenty of redevelopment potential in the shopping centre, and the company will
start the redevelopment at once. The net rental yield percentage is expected to
exceed 8 per cent after the completion of the redevelopment project.

The total leasable area involved in the purchase is some 10,100 square metres,
including all retail premises of the real estate company. The rest of the real
estate unit consists mainly of office premises. The anchor tenant of the property
is Pirkanmaan Osuuskauppa. In total, there are some 40 tenants.

Tullintori is the only shopping centre east of the railway station in the Tampere
city centre. Many office properties and a hotel have been planned for the area,
as a result of which the area's consumer demand is projected to increase.

Helsinki, 1 February 2006

Citycon Oyj
Board of Directors

For further information, please contact:
Petri Olkinuora, CEO, tel. +358 9 6803 6738 or
mobile +358 400 333 256

Jari Alanen, Director, tel. +358 3 274 0420 or
mobile +358 50 62 026

Helsinki Stock Exchange
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